Facilitator: Kathleen Macferran, Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication
Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5
10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
During this weekend we will explore together:
- Healing rifts when trust is broken, rebuilding trust a step at a time
- taking responsibility for our own actions and responding to another’s distress
- acknowledging the gap between the impacts of our actions and our intentions
- We’ll also investigate how to express our experience in ways others might be more likely to hear
- We’ll practice bringing authenticity to a healing dialogue, as well as speaking and hearing regret
- We’ll address the challenge of how to stay connected to love for others and oneself in the midst of pain
Skills will be shared for saving conversations heading downhill and for responding to crisis moments in conversations. Together, we’ll look at how to integrate our learning and move forward, both personally and in our community, when we meet inevitable challenges.
All are welcome to attend. This training is for the general public as well as Choboji sanga members. The cost is whatever donation you’d like to make.
No pre-registration is requested.
Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo ji Zen Temple (use back steps off of Lafayette Ave. S)
1733 S Horton St, Seattle, WA 98144
For more details, contact Sally ZenKa, metcalf.Sally@gmail.com.