Building Beloved Communities as the Backbone of Social Change

Come and explore individual and systemic dynamics in a way that invites all voices to participate and cooperate!

October 21, 2024 (4 pm) to October 26, 2024 (4 pm)

This workshop is in English with French translation.

Join us if you’re wondering:

  • How can we take concrete action to build a more resilient world, one that truly works for every living being?
  • How can we foster greater cooperation, peace and vitality in our collectives and communities?
  • How can we co-create organizations that take care of all the living beings that contribute to them?
  • How can we transform places of confinement (prisons, detention centers, etc.) into places of inclusion and healing?
  • How can we recognize, celebrate and support what’s already working?
  • How can we offer ourselves spaces of mourning to welcome the discomforts and frustrations linked to everything that doesn’t yet allow us to live the way we’d like to?

We’ll be exploring these questions based on our experiences from the collectives, communities and organizations in which we work.

Together, we will:

  • Recognize the key factors that contribute to community flourishing and ways to influence and/or co-create systems that support the well-being of everyone.
  • Discover what lies at the crossroads of systemic norms and individual actions.
  • Become aware of the power we personally have to influence systems.
  • Identify the inner resources we want to cultivate so that we can put our gifts to full use in the service of our communities..
  • Explore how to talk about power, influence, privilege, choice and resources in a way that includes and values all voices.

This interactive, experiential workshop will provide you withconcrete ideas for reflection and action.


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