gratitude on the beach at sunsetI believe we need as much empathy for our joy as we do for our pain. There are few things as nourishing to me as the celebration that comes when I’ve been able to participate in Life in ways that contribute to others or when others have contributed to me. Nature lets us know when our needs have been met by flooding us with feelings such as joy, hope, inspiration, calm or peace. Taking time to savor the power we all have to serve Life every moment can be rejuvenating.

An easy way to focus on gratitude is:

  1. Think of something specific you or someone else said or did that was meaningful to you.
  2. Notice how you feel in relation to that action or statement.
  3. Then savor the reason why it was meaningful to you, in other words, notice the value or need that was met.
  4. Spend a few moments cherishing the beauty of that value and how good it feels to have it manifest in some tangible way.

Here’s an example:  “As I remember the handshakes and smiles of the Spokane NVC team as people were arriving for last weekend’s workshop, I feel grateful and inspired, because I value inclusion of all people. When I think of the tears and laughter in the workshop, I’m touched by the kindness and heart to heart connection we are capable of sharing with each other.” Find some way to celebrate something you value as part of each and every day.