VIT Banner

We learned to speak — and to keep silent — as toddlers, and our patterns of communication are as deeply ingrained as our native tongues. One can get a sense of the basics of Nonviolent Communication in a couple of hours. Taking the practices into our everyday lives, though, requires immersion. Taking on a new language — one that leans toward self-acceptance rather than self- criticism, toward open curiosity rather than judgment, spacious choice rather than reactivity — requires time and practice in the context of a loving and supportive community.

This VIT has the potential to change our relationships to ourselves, to our loved ones, to the people we find most challenging, and to the wider systems in which we live. We’ll emerge with more resources to be most fully ourselves, more empowered, more loving, more present. It is a great gift to give yourself and everyone whose life you touch.

Benefits of a virtual training
By attending a virtual training, you will have the unprecedented opportunity to both be immersed in the material, and to bring it home to your own environments every day. Comfort, connection and immediate integration, especially with this particular group of life-transforming trainers, create a powerful and unforgettable field to support the movement into mastery.

Seminar Language: English.

This VIT will count toward certification equivalent to an IIT.

42 training sessions will be offered and you will get the recording of all of them!


Trainer Team:

Full bios can be found at the bottom of this page.

Roxy Manning6 KathleenMacferran2 Sarah Peyton3 Kathy Simon
Roxy Manning
Kathleen Macferran
Sarah Peyton
Kathy Simon

How to register:

  1. Click here to fill out the online VIT Application Form, and make a tuition payment in US Dollars to CNVC.
  2. For questions please contact the IIT Department at +1 505-244-4041 or email at


VIT Fees (for 9-day training): payable in US Dollars to CNVC. No part of the fee is optional or negotiable.

Tuition Rate Total Fee
Full Tuition $1,700USD
Certification Candidate Discount rate $1,445USD

Scholarships: The due date for Scholarship Applications for this IIT is August 31, 2020. You can apply for financial support via the application form (just click on the register button), there is a question in there that asks if you want financial support.

dairy phone

A note on the pricing of this 9-day training: This intensive training is offered at $1700, which includes all of the teaching and small group meetings during the nine days of training, plus unlimited access to the teaching sessions by video, so you can repeat sessions you enjoyed and see any of the sessions you miss whenever you want. Roxy, Sarah, Kathleen, Kathy, and CNVC want the virtual intensive training (VIT) to be accessible to all who would like to participate, and we realize that the tuition will be inaccessible to many, especially at this time of high unemployment and general economic uncertainty. At the same time, CNVC is offering the training at this price, similar to pre-covid training prices, because CNVC itself is in a very difficult financial situation, and this VIT and the others offered this year will help the organization to remain afloat. We actively encourage those for whom the price is prohibitive to ask for a full or partial scholarship. We also actively encourage those who are able to contribute to our scholarship fund to do so, so we can make the training as accessible as possible.


You will be able to choose you personal favorite location. We highly recommend you find a place where you will be able to focus on you. A comfortable spot with high speed internet and a computer.


Schedule in Pacific Timezone:

 Day 1, September 9 (2 ½ hours)

Start End Min. Session
1:00pm 3:30pm 150 Opening Session (whole group; trainers present)

Include time in home groups


We chose this start time so that it’s easier for people from all the Americans to join and still possible, though a stretch, for Europeans.


 Days 2 – 4 (September 10, 11 & 12) and Day 6 – 8 (September 14, 15, 16 & 17) 

(5 ½ hours with trainers per day)

Start End Min. Session
9.00am 9.45am 45 Opening Session (whole group; trainers present)
9.45am 10:00am 10 ~ Transition time ~
10:00am 12:00pm 120 SESSION 1
12:00pm 1:30pm 90 ~ BREAK ~ 
1:30pm 3:30pm 120 SESSION 2
3:30pm 3:45pm 10 ~ Transition time ~
3:45pm 4:30pm 45 Closing Session (whole group)
varies varies 75 Empathy Home Groups


 Day 5, September 13 (Open Day)

Start End Min. Session
9.00am 9.45am 45 Opening Session (whole group; trainers present)
9.45am 10:00am 10 ~ Transition time ~
10:00am 12:00pm 120 SESSION 1
12:00pm 1:30pm 90 ~ BREAK ~ 

The team will invite select trainers from around the world to join the VIT for half hour slots where they share their work, and answer questions about their work with others.

varies varies 75 Empathy Home Groups – they decide whether and when to meet


Day 9, September 18 (2 ½ hours with trainers per day)

Start End Min. Session
10:00am 12:30pm 150 closing Session (whole group; trainers present)


How to register:

  1. Click here to fill out the online VIT Application Form, and make a tuition payment in US Dollars to CNVC.
  2. For questions please contact the IIT Department at +1 505-244-4041 or email at