April 17: 1:15 – 4:15pm at Yogalife in Green Lake

| $75

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In this workshop, you’ll experience how the powerful combination of Yoga and NonViolent Communication (NVC) can help you communicate consciously, compassionately and intentionally. What does speaking truthfully and compassionately sound like? How can we disagree with someone and stay in connection with ourselves and the other person? Through yoga practices, NVC skill-building discussions and quiet sitting time, you’ll learn how to act more in alignment with your self, so you can move in alignment with others – both on and off the mat.

In many workshops we focus on either our physical bodies and ‘mat’ practice, or our inner emotions. This is a rare opportunity for participants to observe and experience the connection between these two layers as we work with NVC both on and off the yoga mat. Yoga teachers will have the opportunity to learn how to add the richness of NVC to their group asana practice by deepening emotional exploration and identifying how emotion affects the physical body.

The workshop will be offered in several locations throughout the spring, to create connection in the larger community. Join as many as you like; each will have a unique flavor, reflecting the interests and experience of the participants. All levels of experience–in yoga, NVC or meditation–are welcome.

March 13: 12:00 – 4:00pm at Twist Yoga in Edmonds
April 17: 1:15 – 4:15pm at Yogalife in Green Lake
May 22: 12:30 – 4:30pm at Aditi Yoga in Fremont
June 12: 12:00 – 4:00pm at 8Limbs Yoga on Phinney Ridge

Chaira will be co-teaching these workshops with Kathleen Macferran, a Certified Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent small 0244Communication (CNVC). Kathleen offers communication and conflict _IMG_1581 - Version 2resolution training internationally to organizations and individuals including businesses, schools, colleges, community groups, faith-based communities, hospitals, families, prison inmates, and correctional and law enforcement employees. She’s one of 30 assessors worldwide who supports CNVC trainer candidates through the certification process for CNVC. Kathleen is on the faculty of Seattle Central College where she offers courses in Conflict Management. She is also featured in two TEDx talks on NVC, both of which are linked from her website.

After these workshops, you may be interested in joining Chiara and Kathleen this August for a week-long Yoga & NVC retreat “Being & Extending Peace: The Yoga of Kindness” on the stunning sacred grounds of Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana.